natural wisdom framework

A Framework for Holistic Natural Growth

the framework

The Natural Wisdom model is a holistic approach to personal development. It brings together three fundamental pillars: Nature's Intelligence, Ancestral Knowing, and Primal Skills. Underpinning these pillars are three core inner traits: Flow, Harmony, and Resilience.

Let's break this down:

1st pillar: nature’s intelligence

Nature's Intelligence: This pillar represents the intrinsic wisdom woven into the fabric of our world. By attuning ourselves to the rhythms and patterns of nature, we can tap into this vast reservoir of understanding. Nature's intelligence can guide us towards a more authentic, balanced, and fulfilling way of being.

2nd pillar: ancestral knowing

This pillar draws from the teachings of our Earth Ancestors and current indigenous cultures that have lived in harmony with the Earth for millennia. It's about respecting and reconnecting with traditional wisdom that modern society has overlooked or forgotten. Ancestral knowing reminds us of our inherent link to the Earth and the responsibility we have to care for it and ourselves.

3rd pillar: primal skills

This pillar encompasses the development of inner strength, along with skills that allow us to navigate the complexities of the modern world with grace and poise. Primal skills development allows us deep understanding of our own instinctual responses, as well as empowering us to stay resilient and adaptive in the face of the overwhelming complexity now facing us in the modern world.

Beneath these pillars lie the core inner traits integral to the journey of Natural Wisdom:

1st core trait: flow

Flow is the state of being fully immersed and engaged in the present. It's about aligning our actions with our passions, losing ourselves in the process and, paradoxically, finding ourselves anew. Flow signifies the effortless effort, the sweet spot where challenge and skill meet, fostering a sense of fulfilment and joy. It also implies the necessary sense of being allowing a person to flow through life instead of constantly finding oneself fighting against the stream of living in the modern world.

2nd core trait: harmony

Harmony is about balance, within ourselves and with the world around us. It speaks to the importance of aligning our actions, thoughts, and feelings with our values and goals. Harmony encourages us to seek equilibrium, fostering inner peace, healthier relationships, and a deep sense of belonging. It also means finding the strength to harmonize despite a modern world that is out of tune.

3rd core trait: RESILIENCE

Resilience is our capacity to weather life's storms and bounce back stronger. It doesn't mean we won't experience difficulty or distress, but it equips us to navigate through hardships and learn from them. Resilience is the cornerstone of growth, encouraging us to embrace challenges as opportunities for transformation.


In essence, the Natural Wisdom model is a dynamic, integrated framework for personal growth and societal transformation. It acknowledges our deep-rooted connections to the natural world, respects the wisdom of our ancestors, and equips us with the skills and traits necessary to flourish in today's world. This is the path towards a more sustainable, fulfilling, and harmonious way of being.